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monopoly capital中文是什么意思

用"monopoly capital"造句"monopoly capital"怎么读"monopoly capital" in a sentence


  • 垄断资本


  • Theoretical exploration of globalization of monopoly capital
  • On the formation of global monopoly capital and the economic globalization
  • At present , the entire world economy is under the control of international monopoly capital , and the world market is dominated by it
  • Mazhaode clearly identified themselves firmly believe the business model unlike any of the above a famous enterprises worse , in his view , 3g than the internet tends to be more capital - intensive industries , innovation is to break the monopoly capital the only road
  • According to this define , the state - owned enterprises which have special organizing patterns , but also state - owned monopoly capital firm , subsidiary corporations invested two or more state - owned enterprises , and state - holding companies . then the paper briefly looks back upon the legislative course about state - owned enterprises
用"monopoly capital"造句  
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